Your Child Deserves To Succeed

Let me show them how
If your child’s learning profile is complex, they will find aspects of school difficult. They can start to believe that they are ‘rubbish at school’. This affects self esteem and young people need to feel good about themselves in order to be resilient. Resilience affects how we navigate social and emotional challenges too, especially in adolescence.
Straightforward difficulties with reading and spelling tend to be easiest to identify and remediate. But if there is a tangle of issues with listening, writing, attention, memory and processing, schools are not geared to provide highly skilled support.
How I can help
I am a highly qualified academic with advanced teaching skills - interesting wiring is my normal.
I have 20 years of experience assessing and teaching students who learn differently. My skills are unique because I am both an academic and a practitioner - a rare combination. I do not assess a child and then leave you with a report, nor do I offer one-size-fits-all school interventions. I devise truly individual plans, deliver them with creativity and humour, with a genuine fondness for young people - particularly teens.
I will look at how your child learns
I am an excellent assessor of what is practically holding your child back: the habits, attitudes and strategies that are not working and what must replace them. While I can formally diagnose specific learning issues, my dynamic assessment - watching a pupil during learning - can unpick the source of the difficulty, find the right way for the child to approach the task, and help to release ineffective compensatory strategies. I teach kids their own brain hacks, the fastest or best way to approach what they haven’t managed before.
What I can do
teach one to one sessions over the educational lifespan
manage EHC plans & tutor teams
write curriculum for home schooled pupils
support through GCSEs in literature, history, religion, geography, french, spanish, class civ and JS
monitor progress across many subjects
liaise with form teachers, subject teachers, SENCOs and specialist staff
"Diagnoses are useful for many reasons but they are simply a short-hand for a set of difficulties that often go together. Dyslexia, for example, can have many different causes and presentations. You may need a bridge between the (necessarily) complicated information in a good educational report and communicating the day-to-day education strategies to the teaching staff who support your child. Julianne bridges that gap. She has a high-grade specialist educational background and could charm the birds from the trees with her capacity to communicate; a formidable skill-set for an advocate. You want Julianne Miller on your team."
Her confidence in me and high expectations has led me to succeed in ways even I am proud of. Lulu, 17
Julianne has shaped our daughter's love for learning and achieving academically in ways we as parents thought would never be possible.
I wanted to let you know that Anna did so well at her GCSEs. Her AQA English grades were amazing!
Her UCAS support meant our daughter received offers for all 5 Universities - a wonderful surprise.
Since Julianne started working with my child, for the first time ever, she is thriving in an educational setting.
Julianne’s knowledge and advocacy of learning differences and neurodiversity is contagious, inspiring and empowering!
This is her true magic. Julianne is interested in the child, finding out what makes them tick, what interests them, what challenges them and engaging with them honestly to bring out the best.
"Her amazing ability of getting schools to help, in a way that they have previously refused, is nothing short of genius."
“Julianne supported and guided me through the minefield of SEN. I knew what to expect from G, what I could ask the school, what I needed to get elsewhere and who the best people were to see. She coordinated absolutely everything.
Julianne has a high-grade specialist educational background and could charm the birds from the trees with her capacity to communicate; a formidable skill-set for an advocate. You want Julianne Miller on your team.
"Our son wasn't considered 'bad' enough to get help at school and truthfully I didn't have great confidence in their learning support department. Julianne was recommended by another parent and she was just what we needed.
“The best thing about working with Julianne is she tells me how to present our findings to the school to get them on board.”
“Our fears that she had an insurmountable difficulty were unfounded; she just needed to be taught a little differently for a period of her primary learning.”