Specialist Educational Provision

My aim is simple: to make your child’s life easier and to make your life easier too.
How I can help
My practice is for those children who have multiple differences co-occurring:
ASD * Dyslexia * Dyspraxia * ADHD * Executive Functioning * Working Memory * Verbal Memory * Verbal Processing * Expressive & Receptive Language * Dysgraphia * Sensory Processing * PDA
Using research based interventions and highly personalised learning strategies, I help young people to master skills which underpin learning but are beyond the remit of mainstream school learning support.
My practice is divided between daily ‘home-school’ provision and weekly after-school provision.
I have 2-4 daily places and/or 10-14 after schools places with a 12-24 month wait list. Occasional places are rare but can come up.
How can my child get a place in your practice?
The first step is to fill in the initial enquiry form. I will send you my practice details and you can let me know if these suit you. Please note that my practice is necessarily small and children tend to stay for many years. However, occasional places do arise and are always filled from the waiting list. When a place becomes available, I interview several parents for the place, looking for a good fit between your child’s needs, my experience and you as parents. I will let you know when the slot is so that we can make sure the date and time work for you.
When your child joins my practice, there is a 6 week period of assessment to make sure it is a good fit for your family and for my teaching style. After 6 weeks, the place becomes your child’s going forward.
Student Testimonials
I went from getting a D in my Year 12 English A-Level mock to being on track to achieve an A. Julianne was the first person to have faith in me.
Julianne will teach me the Treaty of Versailles while I’m lying on her kitchen floor. If for whatever reason that day I can’t pay attention or some information just isn’t going in we will park it and do something else. If my brain says not today, it means not today.
I like her because she treats me like a real person and not some hopeless case who can’t spell
If it weren't for you, teachers would still be saying all my problems are that I don’t believe in myself, and that I’m not trying hard enough.
Subjects that I never found interesting have become my favourites due to Julianne’s passion and unique way of teaching.
Her confidence in me and high expectations has led me to succeed in ways even I am proud of.
Julianne identified ways in which I required extra help in school, and then was instrumental in getting the school to provide me with this support.
She taught me a range of strategies for learning and retaining information which I continue to use today.